Attend an Event
We can't wait to see you at our art events!
Pacific Fine Arts Festivals' fairs and festivals feature hand-crafted works of art in media such as painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, leather, and wearable art such as clothing and jewelry.
PFAF produces two and three-day art events in towns and cities both large and small, primarily in the San Francisco Bay area but also in tourist destinations such as Lake Tahoe and Mammoth Lakes. At some festivals, the artists' displays are set up along the sidewalks or in parks, while at others thoroughfares are closed and displays are set up along the street. Most importantly, our art events are fun for all!
help Vistor FAQ
View Our Events
Montclair Village Art Walk
Rotary Club of Saratoga Art Show
California Strawberry Festival
Tahoe City Art by the Lake
Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival
Mammoth Lakes Open Air Arts & Crafts Fair
Palo Alto Festival of the Arts
San Carlos Art & Wine Faire
Half Moon Bay Art & Pumpkin Festival
Belmont Handcrafted Originals Art Fair
Visitor FAQ
Do the exhibitors make their living doing this or is it just a hobby?
Most of our festival participants work at their art or craft full-time and do make their living that way.
I saw an artist at one of your shows last year and want to buy something from her but didn't get a card and don't remember their name. Is there any way I can find out who they were and when they will be participating in a festival in my area?
If you can describe an artist’s work, the artist him/herself, at what festival you saw the work, and even where at the festival the artist’s booth was located, PFAF can probably provide you with a name and at what PFAF festival in your area that artist will be appearing next. Address your queries to, 209/267-4394 or come to the Information Booth next time you are at a PFAF event.
This show is really great. Why don't you do this every weekend?
Most of the artists you see at a festival are showing their work every weekend, just in different places. This gives them exposure to a much larger audience than they would get if they only displayed their work in one location.
These festivals always cause such a parking problem because the exhibitors vehicles take up all of the parking spaces. Why don't they park somewhere else?
All participants in PFAF events are required to park their vehicles well off-site in designated parking areas once they have unloaded their displays and work. PFAF enforces these parking requirements so that parking spaces and lots adjacent to the festival are left available for visitors.
How do I go about displaying my work at a Pacific Fine Arts Festival?
You need a body of work and a way to display it. Once you have these items visit our event pages to read about the events and to access the event application. Applications may be downloaded to complete by hand or opened to be completed through Adobe Acrobat. Return it to us with the completed check list by email or USPS. The quality of the images you send is very important as they will be the manner in which your work is selected. Many event applications are also available on ZAPPLICATION.
Before selling your work in CA, you will need a California Seller’s Permit. This can be obtained from the State Board of Equalization – Phone: 800/400-7115 or CLICK HERE to find the application on their website.
More Questions?
Do you have a question about PFAF that we can include on this page? Send it to