circle_notifications Applications are accepted after the deadlines for space or waiting list consideration.
Apply to be considered for our shows!
For event applications, scroll down. To apply, download and complete our applications and check lists for the Fairs and Festivals in which you would like to participate.
Resources. Review our helpful resources page for checklists, forms, important dates & other requirements to help you apply for a show.
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Available Applications
Note: Fillable applications will require the use of Adobe Reader. If you don’t have it, get it here: open_in_new
Pre-Packaged Specialty Food Artists
California Strawberry Festival
May 17th & 18th, 2025
Deadline: February 10th, 2025
picture_as_pdf Download Specialty Food Application
San Carlos Art & Wine Faire
October 11th & 12th, 2025
Deadline: June 2nd, 2025
picture_as_pdf Download Specialty Food Application
Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival
We do not manage the Pre-Packaged Specialty Food Artist Applications for this event. But we are happy to connect you to who does!
Melany Zaro / TEC Productions
phone (408) 275-6325
Artist & Crafters Applications
circle_notifications Applications are accepted after the deadlines for space or waiting list consideration.
Be sure to receive our email correspondence. Sometimes email servers send us to junk/spam.
To be sure that you receive our email correspondence, on your server add the following to your server’s whitelist * (the asterisk indicates “all”). Or add the following email addresses to your server’s address book, "accepted email addresses," or "whitelist":,, and

Helpful Hints
Note: Fillable applications will require the use of Adobe Reader. If you don’t have it, get it here: open_in_ne
Tips for Viewing and Using Fillable PDFs. Sharing a webpage we couldn’t write better ourselves.w
Emailing the Fillable Application
- Click the link to open the application.
- Fully complete the application then save it to your desktop.
- Create an email to, attach the saved, completed application and full compliment of checklist items.
- Hit send.
- Done.
Printing the Application on a PC
Note that the applications are on legal-sized pages. If you don’t have that sized paper available for printing the following should cause the application to print on your 8.5 x 11 paper.
To Print on a PC:
- Open the attachment you want to print.
- Go to the top of the screen and click on “File” then “Print”
- In the drop down box called “Page Scaling.”
- Select “Fit to Printable Area,” “Print Entire Image,” or “Shrink to Printable Area”
- Click “OK.”
- Complete the application, include the full compliment of checklist times.
- Send all components to us by email: or by USPS:
Pacific Fine Arts Festivals
PO Box 280
Pine Grove, CA 95665
Printing the Application on a Mac
To print on a Mac:
- Open the attachment you want to print.
- Go to the top of the screen and click on “File” then “Print.”
- Look for “Paper Size” and select “Letter.” Or in the Print Dialogue box look for and click “Page Setup” then for “Paper Size” select “US Letter.”
We have found that some print dialog boxes don’t include any of these options. In that case, if you have an option of “Custom Scale” select that option and type in either 75% or 80%.
4. Complete the application, include the full compliment of checklist times.
5. Send all components to us by email: or by USPS:
Pacific Fine Arts Festivals
PO Box 280
Pine Grove, CA 95665